We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator and Sustainer of the heavens and earth, who prepared this life for us and beckons us into His future.
We believe in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior, who was sent to provide for us an access to the fullness of God and to eternal life. Only through Him is eternal life possible to everyone who receives him as Savior and Lord. This is possible for all who believe. Romans 10:9-10.
We believe in God's Holy Spirit, given by Jesus Christ to all His people as a source of supernatural strength until His return. We believe in the gifts the Spirit brings as a sign of His presence with an emphasis on no particular gift, but openness to all of them. Only as individuals allow the Spirit to work in a particular way through their lives is the church all that God intends it to be.
We believe that the Bible, God’s Holy Word, sets the pace and standard for living. It is the final authority for us as a rule of “faith and practice.”
In the family of Jesus, we want to avoid arguing or disputing over minor doctrinal matters. If you have questions or concerns regarding anything that is taught in Chapel or in the classroom, please discuss the matter with the teacher or our principal.